In Praise of Political Apathy

My children are both non-voters. They have little to no interest in politics. To them it is a big waste of time. They have more important things to do – like develop careers, enjoy the company of friends, have a good time and just live their lives. Some, on both the left and the right, would condemn them as apathetic.

But Who Will Build The Libertarian Society? The Inconsistency of “Immigration Control”

A popular rationalization for “immigration control” is a coupling of the reality that the State currently “taxes” (forces/extorts) people to pay for “welfare,” roadways, etc., and the chance (which proponents claim is fact) that “immigrants” “will vote to take your freedoms away.” This carries the linguistic baggage of layer upon layer of delusion, but in the end it either boils down to the State being rightful owner of all property, or at least acting as if it were, and violently controlling everyone and their property.

My Political Objectives

A month ago I shared my result of “The Political Objectives Test” by Hello Quizzy. I was branded an “anarchist” with the summary beginning with this very true statement, “Liberty is so overwhelmingly important to you that you wish to eliminate anything that can interfere with it.” I found the test to be rather helpful in contrasting my views with others on the various topics it questioned me about. For that I wanted to present the questions here with emphasis (underlined) on the statements I selected, followed by some commentary and resources.

Anarcho-Capitalist Perspectives on Left Anarchism

A redditor recently asked for sources of anarcho-capitalist perspectives on [what I call] left anarchism, the ideologies of anarcho-communism, -socialism, -syndicalism, libertarian-socialism, and the like. I shared several and thought I’d list them here as well.

New Logo for EVC

The EVC – logo has been updated to reflect my growing desire to be more inclusive of all people who, while gathering under the umbrella of voluntaryism, bring with them ideologies outside of the classical liberal, austro-libertarian, and anarcho-capitalist traditions (the right). I am referring to ideologies such as historical anarchism, left or socialist anarchism, anarcho-communism, anarcho-syndicalism, anarcho-[you name it], mutualism, market anarchism, et cetera (the left).

Redistributing Stolen Property to Non-Producers is a Hallmark of Leftism

I have observed a constant factor among what are roughly considered ‘leftist’ ideologies which appears to transcend what broader philosophy the leftist may advocate. This factor is the desire to create a system by which non-producers (those who consume more than they produce) can survive in relative comfort.

Seize or Build the Means of Production?

You often hear left anarchists (anarcho-communists, anarcho-syndicalists, etc.) promoting the idea of “seizing the means of production” and smashing corporate hierarchy, and whatnot (regular communists and syndicalists, too, of course). But aside from corporate hierarchy that persists as the result of political privilege, why should anyone seize the means of production rather than building the means of production for themselves?

Why Would Anyone Want a President?

Apart from employees of the executive branch, or active-duty members of the military who have been called into service by Congress, no American really has a “president.” The office was intended to be peripheral to the daily concerns of Americans, rather than the central focus of their existence. What a wonderful thing it would be if Americans of all persuasions adopted the motto “Not My President” – and then learned to regard the state itself with the proper mixture of hostility and contempt.

The American Left’s Crushing Defeat By the Global Alt-Right

The disgraceful and shameful rhetoric coming from the anti-Trump left has been telling. Thankfully not many of my friends have participated in it, and that is appreciated. Keep it classy. But the vile, and hate, and violence I have seen geared towards not just pro-trump people, but white people, males – especially “straight white males”…