We are held back from creating the life we want, from our highest purpose, from our greatest growth and learning … by what we know. Destroy what you know.
Category: zen habits
Everything is a Practice
I have a client who has completely changed his life — it’s been a complete transformation, and it is breathtaking.
Create a Powerful Framing for the World
The way we view life is usually invisible to us, and yet it is probably the most powerful thing in our lives.
Stillness & Curiosity
Much of our lives are lived on autopilot. We jump from one task to another, one message to another, one meeting to another, one browser tab to another. We react in habitual ways to other people, to situations. And we justify this as the way it should be. Nothing wrong with that — but what would it be like to explore other possibilities?
A Self-Sufficient Mind
In a quiet room, we can find stillness. And in that stillness, we can contemplate our own mind.
Find Freedom in Any Moment
One of our deepest desires is for freedom: to be free of stress, anxiety, a frustrating person, a difficult situation, financial struggles, health problems, the daily grind, distractions, feeling inadequate. One of the great discoveries of my life is that this freedom is always available to us. In any moment.
How We Shut Down What We Want
By Leo Babauta One thing I’ve learned about myself in the last year or so is how much I shut down what I want. Somehow the world taught me that what I want is not acceptable, that I should only want what seems reasonable, doable, or won’t inconvenience others. So I rarely even acknowledge that […]
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The High Bar of Expectations Can Crush Our Creativity
At some point, we’ll need to bring in our craft, and refine. Edit, toss out, and discern. But not when we’re creating — let that be free and abundant and open!
Training to Be Relaxed in Stressful Situations
Many of us face things every day that stress us out: overwhelming number of tasks, a big meeting, a project that feels really tough, behind on paying bills, someone is upset at us, there’s a family crisis, the world feels chaotic. Can we find a way to be relaxed in almost any stressful situation?
A Well Lived Life of Purpose
By Leo Babauta Most of the people I know and work with want a life of meaning and purpose, not a life where we just get by … A well lived life, that feels meaningful. But this isn’t taught in schools, and most of us feel completely unsure of how to move towards this. I’m […]
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