Category: Libertarian Advocacy Journalism
“Respect for Marriage?” Not Really
Actual respect for marriage would involve getting both federal and state governments completely out of the business of deciding who can be, or is, married. Not just “on the basis of the sex, race, ethnicity, or national origin of those individuals,” but completely.
Cryptocurrency: Don’t Blame the Medium for the Scam
As cryptocurrency exchange FTX falls into bankruptcy and its principals seem likely to face various criminal charges over the activities leading to that bankruptcy, it’s time for another round of crowing from opponents (and would-be regulators) of cryptocurrency. Which means it’s time for another round of pointing out where those opponents and would-be regulators are all wet.
Who Does Protectionism Protect? Not You
Advocates of “industrial policy” want you to believe their ideas make you better off. Unless you’re a large stockholder in a “protected” corporation, they’re lying to you.
The US “Intelligence Community” Can’t Be Trusted to Police Itself
An “experienced analyst” at the National Security Agency ran an illegal surveillance project that involved “unauthorized targeting and collection of private communications of people or organizations in the US.” The agency’s inspector general concluded that the analyst “acted with reckless disregard” for “numerous rules and possibly the law.” This happened ten years ago. The inspector general’s report was issued six years ago. But the public is just now learning about it.
Missouri v. Biden: Putting America’s Lysenko Under Oath
Missouri v. Biden, a lawsuit filed by the attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana, cites a previous action (Biden v. Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia Univ.) to this effect: “A private entity violates the First Amendment ‘if the government coerces or induces it to take action the government itself would not be permitted to do, … Continue reading Missouri v. Biden: Putting America’s Lysenko Under Oath
Contra Hobbes: Peace and Political Government are Opposites
Political government as we’ve constructed it is geared toward maximizing death to increase its own power and expand its own reach at the expense of everyone. We’ve still got perpetual war of every man against every man. Only now it’s highly organized, well-funded, and waged for the benefit of the political class.
Capital Punishment Places Too Much Trust In An Untrustworthy Institution
To spare the innocent, we must deny the state power to kill the guilty.
So Long as There are Nukes, We Had Better Hope We Live in a MAD World
Those of us who came to adulthood before 1991 grew up in constant knowledge of our own prospective annihilation on, at most, a few minutes’ notice. It wasn’t a good feeling.
California’s “Progressive” War on Workers Goes National
The war on the gig economy is just one of many examples of how conservative today’s “progressives” really are. They’re more interested in saving an old and busted system, in the name of “the workers,” than they are in the actual interests of real workers.