Episode 026: Jared joins Skyler Collins on “Everything Voluntary” for a chat on his new farm and homestead and diving head first into rural farm-based living; his chickens, sheep, dogs, turkeys and plans for more types of livestock; fruit trees and gardening plans; living in Trump country as a voluntaryist; the difference in personal freedom between urban and rural society; Pacific Northwest secessionary attitudes; and more.
Author: Jared Nordin
Jared Nordin is an electrician by trade. Father of two. He really enjoys hiking, backpacking, and photography with his wife. He can hear him on The Voluntary Contrarian podcast.
The Liberty of Homesteading (1h49m) – Episode 025
Episode 025: Jared invited Ben from the Homesteads and Homeschools podcast, TX Joe from the Insurgency Knitting Circle podcast and Dagorist the homesteader on the show to discuss how sometimes the voluntaryist philosophy can lead to homesteading. These guys shared a lot of knowledge and inspiration and he knows you’ll get a ton of value from this show. Enjoy!
Social Media Statism and “Real” Libertarianism (29m) – Episode 024
Episode 024: Join your host as he swims in the cesspool of social media and discusses science deniers, armed protesters, and the difference between Libertarianism and Voluntaryism.
Want to Lose Credibility? Join the Libertarian Party (15m) – Episode 023
Episode 023: Join your host as he discusses how some of the prominent figureheads in the Voluntaryist podcast community seem to have forgotten about first principles. Should they still be considered libertarians?
Excuses, Excuses (15m) – Episode 022
Episode 022: Join Jared as he gives excuses as to why he hasn’t put out any content for over a month.
Ethical Consistency, Does it Really Matter?
To the best of my understanding, the lack of ethical consistency in today’s culture has led, and continues to lead people toward further social, economic, and foreign policy disasters. For this reason, I wanted to go over the concept of ethical consistency as I see it, the definition of the term, and some examples of how it’s applied in real world scenarios.
Shooting, Lockpicking, and Liberty (1h0m) – Episode 021
Episode 021: Join your host as he shoots the breeze with Pat Watson, co-host of the Insurgency Knitting Circle podcast. Although we had a few connection issues, it was a great conversation. Pat Watson has served 11+ years in a combination of military service, federal law enforcement, and local law enforcement, and is now a civilian who teaches survival skill sets and speaks openly about his voluntarism ideals and the failures of government. He is the owner operator of UncensoredTactical.com and is a co-host on the InsurgencyKnittingCircle podcast.
Gardening, Graduations, and Getting Others to Listen (23m) – Episode 020
Episode 020: Join your host as he discusses the virtues of growing a vegetable garden, the sacrosanct ceremony of graduation, and having conversations with Joe six-pack.
Feel The Bern, Feel the Economic Illiteracy! (25m) – Episode 019
Episode 019: Join your host as he gives you lame excuses why he hasn’t recorded in over a month. He also goes on a rant about how economically illiterate and ‘feels’ driven Bernie Sanders supporters are.
Vote for What I Want… or Else! (16m) – Episode 018
Episode 018: Join your host Jared as he goes off on the act of voting. Would you force your neighbors to pay for something they don’t want?