Why homeschoolers often stand out on the job market.
Tag: unschooling
Alan Southgate: A Musician’s Perspective on Unschooling (6m)
This episode features an audio essay written by musician Alan Southgate in 2015, as published in Unschooling Dads: Twenty-two Testimonials on Their Unconventional Approach to Education, edited by Skyler J. Collins.
Aaron W. Returns, Leaving California for Texas, & Child Protective Services Ordeal (57m) – Episode 435
Episode 435 welcomes back Aaron White to the podcast to chat with Skyler on the following topics: leaving California and the many reasons for doing so such as living expense, new Democrat Party supermajority in local politics, and the charter school crackdown; moving to Texas, specifically the Dallas / Ft. Worth metro area; social justice and woke ideology verse unschooling and free schooling principles; he and his family’s recent experience with California’s Child Protective Services; why every lawyer he talked to advised him to comply with CPS as thoroughly as possible, the opposite advice they give when dealing with police officers (ie. keep your mouth shut); how child protective services may exist in a free society and the question of “skin in the game” for these kinds of allegations; and more.
Walter Williams, Rest in Peace (1936-2020)
Dr. Walter Williams passed away last night, December 1st, 2020. I’ve mentioned him a plethora of times, along with Dr. Thomas Sowell, as the two springboards that got me into economics, liberty, and ultimately voluntaryism, peaceful parenting, and radical unschooling. Dr. Williams was the first, however, to get me thinking about economics and liberty. He will hold a special place in my heart, and I’m honored to have sat at his feet and learned so much from him. He will be missed. Please take a moment today to watch this telling documentary about him and his work.
Alex’s Journey, Digital Nomad, Ammo.com, & LibertasBella.com (1h6m) – Episode 423
Episode 423 welcomes Alex Horsman to the podcast to chat with Skyler on the following topics: his work with Ammo.com; the Ammo.com Resistance Library; graduating the University of Missouri (Mizzou) with a business and economics degree, and their Austrian School trained economics professors (lawsuit); becoming a digital nomad after graduation and living in 4 different countries in the last two years; experiences in Bali (Indonesia), Colombia, Lisbon (Portugal), and Sao Paulo (Brazil); constantly being offered drugs in Lisbon (Portugal decriminalization); unschooling and Sudbury schooling (Free to Learn by Peter Gray); Utah history and politics; COVID-19 and tourism; LibertasBella.com merchandise business; Tuttle Twins and the Mises Summit at Jekyll Island; Robert Kyosaki and Jeff Berwick feud; EVC logo colors origin; predictions on Trump pardoning anybody of note; and more.
Sandra Dodd: Unexpected Benefits of Unschooling (19m)
This episode features an audio essay written by long-time unschooling mom and guru Sandra Dodd in 2008, and which comprises Chapter 22 of Everything Voluntary: From Politics to Parenting, edited by Skyler J. Collins and published in 2012.
Kelly Halldorson: Unschooling Liberty (1h1m)
This episode features a talk by unschooling mom Kelly Halldorson from 2013. She and her family of eight (2 parents, 3 teens, 3 dogs) travel(ed) full-time in a converted school bus known as “The Unschool Bus.” Kelly and her family live, learn, write, make music and art, play, and advocate for liberty from their roving home. They are Ron Paul supporters and passionate advocates for outside-the-system, alternative education methods known as “unschooling.”
Art Carden’s “Ten Questions for Aspiring Revolutionaries” (37m) – Episode 380
Episode 380 has Skyler giving his commentary on Art Carden’s latest essay at AIER.org titled, “So You Want to Overthrow the State: Ten Questions for Aspiring Revolutionaries”. The questions include, “Do I have the facts straight?”, “What makes me so sure I won’t replace the existing regime with something far worse?”, and “What will I do with people who aren’t willing to go along with my revolution?”
The Subtle Power of Changing Your Identity
One of the most powerful switches I ever made when changing my entire life was switching up my identity.
Danilo Cuellar: A Message Therapist’s Perspective on Unschooling (5m)
This episode features an audio essay written by massage therapist and podcaster Danilo Cuellar in 2015, as published in Unschooling Dads: Twenty-two Testimonials on Their Unconventional Approach to Education, edited by Skyler J. Collins.