Any argument against the idea of having a free society — one free of political government — also works against the idea of having such a government holding society down.
Tag: justice
The Biden Administration Wants to Partner with Criminals to Spy on You
“The Biden administration,” CNN reports, “is considering using outside firms to track extremist chatter by Americans online.”
Society Is Richer and More Accepting, Thanks to Libertarian Ideas
Louis XIV had hundreds of servants who prepared him dinner. Today, my supermarket offers me a buffet Louis XIV couldn’t imagine. Thanks to trade and property rights and markets, each of us lives as if we had more servants than kings. We also live longer.
Police Violence: The Standards Are Topsy-Turvy
Responding to the conviction of Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd, Libertarian National Committee Chair Joe Bishop-Henchman gets it exactly right: “Those who are given authority over others ought to be held to an even higher standard than what is expected of the general public.”
On George Floyd and Derek Chauvin
The Derek Chauvin trial was an example of authoritarian in-fighting.
Biden Administration Prioritizes “Woke-ism” and Critical Race Theory In Schools
The Biden administration is taking new steps to promote Critical Race Theory and The New York Times’s controversial 1619 Project in US education programs. In a proposed federal rule issued on Monday, the US Department of Education indicated that it will be using taxpayer funds to award millions of dollars in American history and civics education grants that prioritize the belief that America is systemically racist.
Joe Biden’s Latest “Gun Violence” Fairy Tale
The first five “initial actions” are a mix of pro-gun-violence idiocy and public relations fluff that the White House should be embarrassed for even trying to put over on the public as non-fiction.
Targeted Advertising Violates No Liberty
The point is that when advertisers acquire information about potential customers and narrow the pool, they benefit others besides themselves. We need not start off suspicious of such a practice. One thing markets do best is produce information, and generally speaking, access to consumer information is a good… What’s the bigger threat: a company that buys information we’ve given up in order to sell us things, or the state, which ultimately seeks to control us?
Leftists in The Marketplace
For some time now, I’ve had an item for sale online. It’s an antique tractor seat, forged about a century ago in nearby Hoosick, New York, and various collectors prize these particular kind – though they generally don’t fetch much at market. Mine’s priced well above the going rate, and that’s quite deliberate: If someone wants it badly enough, and is willing to pay extra, I’ll part with it.
What’s Wrong with the Welfare State
What is wrong with the welfare state? The two biggest flaws stem from its nature as a government institution.