Don’t be guilted into taking on a debt that isn’t yours. You owe what you owe, and not a bit more.
Tag: sexual
Becoming Trustable
It’s really a magical thing, when people start trusting you. When your wife and kids trust you, it can melt your heart. They can relax, and feel taken care of. When your clients trust you, you can go deeper with them. When you trust yourself, you can relax more in any activity.
The Office of Free Speech: A Not-So-Modest Proposal for Academia
We are now unquestionably at a crisis point for free speech, academic freedom, and intellectual diversity in higher education. Ritualistic denunciations of faculty who dissent from consensus, under the thin veneer of combating “misinformation,” are now practiced by prominent universities and broadly accepted within higher education.
Hey Joe, Where You Goin’ With That Pen in Your Hand?
On his first partial day as president, Joe Biden issued 17 “executive orders, memorandums and proclamations” — two more than America’s first five presidents issued over their 36 years in office.
The Trump/Biden Handoff: Back to Business as Usual, as Usual
Few will find it surprising that the incoming Biden administration looks, in both form and function, a lot like the Obama administration of 2009-2017. After all, Joe Biden served as Barack Obama’s vice-president for those eight years. His staff and cabinet appointments comprise a veritable Who’s Who of Obama holdovers and members of Biden’s own political circle, built over decades in the Senate and White House.
Gabor Mate: Brain Development and Addiction (1h5m)
This episode features a talk by Canadian physician and addiction expert Gabor Mate from 2009. Drugs, alcohol, tobacco, gambling, compulsive work habits, sexual seeking or spending: what is amiss with our lives that we seek such destructive ways to comfort ourselves? And why is it so difficult to stop these habits, even as they threaten our health, jeopardize our relationships and corrode our spirits?
Why “Preference” is a Dirty Word to the New Puritans
“I do want to be clear,” Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett said during her Senate confirmation hearing, “that I have never discriminated on the basis of sexual preference and would not ever discriminate on the basis of sexual preference.” A laudable stand, one might think. But some don’t.
On Conversion Therapy
Radicals on the left and the right want to push youth through their own versions of conversion therapy. The right want to force gay conversion on youths so as to fix their minds to match their bodies. The left want to force body conversion on youths so as to fix their bodies to match their minds. Neither seem interested in helping youth feel comfortable with the minds and bodies they were born with.
Julieta’s Journey, Mexican Immigrant, Skyler’s Wonderful Wife (1h30m) – Episode 400
Episode 400 welcomes Julieta Collins to the podcast to chat with her husband on the following topics: her parents’ lives before and after they met; her father’s deafness and his challenges; what primary school was like for her; her birth in Mexico City, Mexico, a city of 13M at the time, 22M today; visiting Chicago, Illinois when she was 14 and nearly being sexually assaulted by a taxicab driver who apparently changed his mind; her visual impairment (Stargardt’s Macular Dystrophy) and how it has affected her life; the devastating betrayal of her father by her uncle which precipitated her family’s need to move to the United States; meeting the Mormon missionaries and converting from Catholicism to Mormonism; moving to Chicago in 1999 on the same travel visa from 1994, which expired a few months later, and then Salt Lake City, Utah in 2002; losing her Spanish and what little English she had learned the moment she laid eyes on her future husband, Skyler Collins; the story of their engagement in Nauvoo, Illinois; and more.
How Not to Solve Problems
My nature is such that I simply can’t see government as a solution to anything. This puts me at odds with most of the rest of my species.