I haven’t bothered to read Fauci’s supposedly incriminating emails, because I don’t really care about his opinion and whether he lied. I already knew he’s a government-supremacist and as such can’t be trusted. Did anyone not know this?
Tag: science
Two Grown-Up Homeschoolers Explain How Alternative Education Helped Them Get Ahead
Why homeschoolers often stand out on the job market.
Crusades and You
Every five years or so, the United States has a major societal-wide crusade. Sometimes there’s a shocking event. Other times, there’s an ongoing evil. Either way, all Americans are supposed to join forces and take decisive action to win the crusade. And even if you can’t personally do anything, you’re supposed to get very angry.
Assessing My COVID Expectations
Relative to your expectations, how well did government respond to COVID? How about regular people? How about business?
A Refreshing Way to Think about Immigration
What I’m going to say about Chandran Kukathas’s latest book, Immigration and Freedom, does not constitute a book review. Think of it instead as a book alert. Even having read only the preface and a couple of chapters, I am confident it is a book that fans of liberty will be interested in. You can tell by the title.
States Are Moving to Ban Toxic ‘Critical Race Theory’ in Schools—But Their Efforts Could Backfire
No matter how good our intentions are, government involvement in education is bound to create political struggles and choose winners and losers.
The Song of Slack
The reason leaders of bad organization do so much evil is not that they couldn’t do good if they wanted to. It’s that people who rise to the top of bad organizations are usually bad themselves.
Are Organizations Unlibertarian?
A few weeks ago YouTube suggested that I watch a 1988 episode of William F. Buckley’s PBS TV show, “Firing Line,” featuring Ron Paul, who at the time was the Libertarian Party candidate for president. I had to chuckle right at the top when Buckley introduced Rep. Paul by striking an ironic pose: while “libertarians specialize in non-organization…,” Buckley said, “to run for president of the United States, which Dr. Paul is doing on the Libertarian ticket, does require organization, to be sure uncoerced.” (Emphasis added.) Buckley flashed his trademark impish smile while his guest remained silent looking bemused.
Immigration and Housing: The Meaning of Hsieh-Moretti
Now that we correctly understand Hsieh-Moretti’s results, let’s put them in context.
When Teens Fall In Love With Economics
Teenagers are often unfairly stereotyped as idle and frivolous. But, the teenage years can be an incredible time of ingenuity, entrepreneurship, and resourcefulness—especially when teens have the freedom and encouragement to collaborate and innovate.