A redditor recently asked for sources of anarcho-capitalist perspectives on [what I call] left anarchism, the ideologies of anarcho-communism, -socialism, -syndicalism, libertarian-socialism, and the like. I shared several and thought I’d list them here as well. This page will be kept updated as I discover new sources. Enjoy!
- Bryan Caplan’s “Anarchist Theory FAQ“
- Kenny Kelly’s “An Open Letter to Anarcho-Socialists“
- Per Bylund’s “The Trouble with Socialist Anarchism“
- Dan Sanchez’s “Anarcho-Syndicalism: A Recipe for Ruin“
- Darrell Anderson’s “Anarcho-Socialists and Anarcho-Capitalists: Friend or Foe?“
- James Ostrowski’s “Chomsky’s Economics“
- Hogeye Bill’s “A Brief History of Anarchist Thought” in Against Authority (PDF)
- Less Antman’s “Is Property Theft?“
- Sheldon Richman’s “Libertarian Socialism?“
- Wendy McElroy’s “Anarchism: Two Kinds“
- Neodoxy’s “A Critique of Leftist Anarchism“
- Neodoxy’s “A Critique of the Anarchist Collective“
- Murray Rothbard’s “Syndical Syndrome“
- Murray Rothbard’s “Are Libertarians ‘Anarchists’?“
- Murray Rothbard’s “The Death Wish of the Anarcho-Communists“