Suppose you’re very power-hungry. Do you want people to think they’re able to fix their own problems? Of course not. If individuals can help themselves by doing a good job, learning new skills, making friends, and keeping their eyes peeled, what do they need you for?
Tag: action
Is “Free Election” an Oxymoron?
American leaders and their loyal media pundits love to sit in judgment of other countries’ election, declaring them fair or rigged according to their seemingly meticulous standards. In fact, the real standard is that the regimes “we” like hold free and fair (enough) elections, while the regimes “we” dislike don’t. What about regimes “we” like that hold no elections at all, like Saudi Arabia? They are forgotten whenever the loveliness of democracy is the topic of discussion.
On Qualified Immunity II
Most people are (rightly) held responsible for their destructive actions toward other people or their property. If I damage you in some way, accidentally or intentionally, I am held liable and forced to make amends, be it retribution against me or restitution for you.
Fauci’s Emails
I haven’t bothered to read Fauci’s supposedly incriminating emails, because I don’t really care about his opinion and whether he lied. I already knew he’s a government-supremacist and as such can’t be trusted. Did anyone not know this?
What the State Really Is
To better understand the nature of government, one can think of it as an agency that sells or, more precisely, rents power to others. The greater the power and the wider its scope, the more opportunities the state’s agents will have to sell access to it in return for favors.
Deregulate Discrimination
When regulation is out of control, deregulation is the obvious remedy. And discrimination law really is out of control.
Government Should Have Less Control
If you’re going to tolerate politicians, and a political government for them to operate in, what should they be allowed to do? Not much.
Anarchist Government?
In one of my recent “Blips” I wrote:
Is anarchy “a system”?
It comes down to what someone means by “system”.
If “system” means a general way to do things, sure.
But if they mean an institution with someone “in charge” who imposes their will, no.
Biden Labor Department Undermines Gig Economy
Why should government at any level have the power to overrule how workers and companies define their relationships? This question has become more important than previously with the rise of the gig economy, in which workers such as Uber and Lyft drivers are regarded by their companies and themselves as independent contractors rather than conventional employees.
Glad I Have as Much Choice as I Do
The continuing COVID-19 overreactions of New Mexico’s politicians mean I’ve spent much less time and money in New Mexico than I would have normally. Why would I go where businesses are either closed or operating with restricted capacity when I have other options? I prefer to go where businesses can decide whether they’ll force customers to wear a mask, rather than where a one-size-fits-all mandate declares businesses aren’t allowed to decide for themselves.