Many times over the years people have demanded proof that liberty is better than the alternative. Sometimes the detail being questioned changes — maybe it’s the concept of human rights or ethics they are objecting to — but the argument is the same. They don’t accept the superiority of liberty over whatever they’d prefer, so they demand proof.
Tag: respect
Drug Abuse Stupid But Prohibition Evil
Beyond rights I care about the most, you have the right to do things that don’t interest me at all, or things I don’t like. As long as “it neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg,” as Thomas Jefferson said — nor the pockets or legs of anyone else — I support your right to live as you wish. I don’t care who it offends; there is no right to not be offended.
About that “Real Estate Dispute” in Sheikh Jarrah
When the Israeli government describes the conflict over the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of East Jerusalem as just a “real-estate dispute,” it has a point.
Anarchist Government?
In one of my recent “Blips” I wrote:
Is anarchy “a system”?
It comes down to what someone means by “system”.
If “system” means a general way to do things, sure.
But if they mean an institution with someone “in charge” who imposes their will, no.
Won’t Sacrifice Liberty for Worst of Us
There will always be some members of the population set on killing each other over petty squabbles and imagined slights. Nothing you and I can do will ever change this; nothing government can do will stop it. Some people are just determined to be uncivilized. They may even prefer living this way, and wouldn’t change if given every chance. You will be more free once you realize this truth.
Time to Right Marijuana Wrongs
Once a State’s marijuana rules have changed, everyone with marijuana charges on their record should get a clean slate. At least where marijuana is concerned. Then they need to be paid the restitution they are owed by those who harmed them.
Anti-Communism and Anti-Racism
I hate Communism. I consider Communists to be the moral approximates of Nazis. I might talk to a youthful Communist, but after the excuse of youth passes, I deem Communists beyond redemption. Even so, if George Mason University adopted an official Anti-Communist policy, I would oppose it.
States Are Moving to Ban Toxic ‘Critical Race Theory’ in Schools—But Their Efforts Could Backfire
No matter how good our intentions are, government involvement in education is bound to create political struggles and choose winners and losers.
A Debt You Don’t Owe
Don’t be guilted into taking on a debt that isn’t yours. You owe what you owe, and not a bit more.
These Parents and Teachers Have Had Enough of Woke Classrooms and Critical Race Theory
More parents are waking up to the “woke” ideology that is seeping into their children’s classrooms and curriculum. Increasingly, they are speaking up and opting out.