No capitalist gets our money unless we voluntarily choose to exchange it for whatever he’s selling. As Mitchell puts it, “Capitalism is the only system that gives people the liberty to make their own choices.”
Tag: class
People Love To Criticize Capitalism; Here’s Why They’re Wrong
Free markets increase total wealth. Competition encourages entrepreneurs to find new ways to release more value from both people and resources. Because capitalism is voluntary and consumers have choices, the only way capitalists can get rich is to offer us something that we believe is better than we had before. That creates new wealth.
The Labor Market Shortage is Exposing Two Big Ways the Government Hurts Teenagers
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, teen labor force participation plummeted from a high of 57.9 percent in 1979 to just 34.1 percent in 2011. Part of this decline is related to more emphasis on academics, extracurricular activities, and other structured programming for adolescents. But public policy may also be to blame.
Two Grown-Up Homeschoolers Explain How Alternative Education Helped Them Get Ahead
Why homeschoolers often stand out on the job market.
Biden Labor Department Undermines Gig Economy
Why should government at any level have the power to overrule how workers and companies define their relationships? This question has become more important than previously with the rise of the gig economy, in which workers such as Uber and Lyft drivers are regarded by their companies and themselves as independent contractors rather than conventional employees.
Crusades and You
Every five years or so, the United States has a major societal-wide crusade. Sometimes there’s a shocking event. Other times, there’s an ongoing evil. Either way, all Americans are supposed to join forces and take decisive action to win the crusade. And even if you can’t personally do anything, you’re supposed to get very angry.
A Refreshing Way to Think about Immigration
What I’m going to say about Chandran Kukathas’s latest book, Immigration and Freedom, does not constitute a book review. Think of it instead as a book alert. Even having read only the preface and a couple of chapters, I am confident it is a book that fans of liberty will be interested in. You can tell by the title.
Canceling Student Debt Would Be an Insult to Trade Workers
“The push for college came at the expense of every other form of education,” says Mike Rowe.
States Are Moving to Ban Toxic ‘Critical Race Theory’ in Schools—But Their Efforts Could Backfire
No matter how good our intentions are, government involvement in education is bound to create political struggles and choose winners and losers.
Bust the Conservative “Trust Busters”
When right-wing leader Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) recently declared that “liberty and monopoly do not go together,” I fantasized that he had become a free-market anarchist. When I hear monopoly, I think government because what’s the most literal of monopolies (or source of monopoly power) than the state?