American leaders and their loyal media pundits love to sit in judgment of other countries’ election, declaring them fair or rigged according to their seemingly meticulous standards. In fact, the real standard is that the regimes “we” like hold free and fair (enough) elections, while the regimes “we” dislike don’t. What about regimes “we” like that hold no elections at all, like Saudi Arabia? They are forgotten whenever the loveliness of democracy is the topic of discussion.
Tag: authoritarian
Money as a Geopolitical Weapon
People who seek to rule over and control others learned long ago that controlling money and trade is the best way to do it. On a global level, there are open conspiracies among controlling interests that go about doing just that.
On George Floyd and Derek Chauvin
The Derek Chauvin trial was an example of authoritarian in-fighting.
How “Representative” is US Democracy?
American politicians love to boast of their nation’s status as the world’s premier “representative democracy,” and to lecture other, presumably less enlightened, countries on the importance of representative political institutions. Going by the numbers (which admittedly don’t tell the whole story), there’s good reason to question whether such preening is justified.
On Racism
I just read a fantastic essay from 2017 on racism by Slate Star Codex titled, “Against Murderism”. I highly recommend it and was intellectually tickled by how it ended.
Mask Mandates: Pope Joe versus “The Science”
“Look, I hope everybody’s realized by now, these masks make a difference,” said President Joe Biden in response to the lifting of mask mandates in Texas and Mississippi. “[T]he last thing we need is Neanderthal thinking that [as vaccines roll out], everything’s fine, take off your mask, forget it. It still matters.” Biden’s statement abandons “the science” in at least two ways.
Karl Popper! Yes! Me Too!
“How despotism destroys the human sense of duty and responsibility, together with the people who try to fulfill them, may be seen from the unforgettable example of the White Rose in Munich, that close circle of students and one teacher who in the winter of 1942-43 put up posters calling for resistance to Hitler’s war.”
Completely Inclusive
The political left is completely open-minded, diverse and inclusive of people of all colors, races, nationalities, sexes, etc. … just as long as those people are in exact agreement with the exact amount and exact type of extensive and intrusive authoritarian collectivist interference with all manner of behaviors and choices that the leftists condone. But…
Joe Biden and “Open Borders”, As If
As the Cato Institute’s David J. Bier notes, “Biden has been in office for less than a month. Many people keep saying ‘give him time.’ But what’s concerning isn’t that Biden hasn’t ‘gotten around to immigration yet.’ It’s that he has, and is intentionally choosing to perpetuate one of the worst immigration regimes in American history.”
Socialism Doesn’t Work
Last week, I reported on two myths about socialism. My new video covers three more.