No capitalist gets our money unless we voluntarily choose to exchange it for whatever he’s selling. As Mitchell puts it, “Capitalism is the only system that gives people the liberty to make their own choices.”
Tag: change
Liberty is Among Self-Evident Truths
Many times over the years people have demanded proof that liberty is better than the alternative. Sometimes the detail being questioned changes — maybe it’s the concept of human rights or ethics they are objecting to — but the argument is the same. They don’t accept the superiority of liberty over whatever they’d prefer, so they demand proof.
Drug Abuse Stupid But Prohibition Evil
Beyond rights I care about the most, you have the right to do things that don’t interest me at all, or things I don’t like. As long as “it neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg,” as Thomas Jefferson said — nor the pockets or legs of anyone else — I support your right to live as you wish. I don’t care who it offends; there is no right to not be offended.
VP Harris Tells Guatemalans to Stay in Their Place
Telling Guatemalans or anyone else “Do not come” is no different from telling them to stay in the place where they belong. The long-suffering victims of tyranny, corruption, and government planning are properly resentful of American officials who give them such a condescending admonition.
Fauci’s Emails
I haven’t bothered to read Fauci’s supposedly incriminating emails, because I don’t really care about his opinion and whether he lied. I already knew he’s a government-supremacist and as such can’t be trusted. Did anyone not know this?
What the State Really Is
To better understand the nature of government, one can think of it as an agency that sells or, more precisely, rents power to others. The greater the power and the wider its scope, the more opportunities the state’s agents will have to sell access to it in return for favors.
Deregulate Discrimination
When regulation is out of control, deregulation is the obvious remedy. And discrimination law really is out of control.
Arguments for Government Work against It
Any argument against the idea of having a free society — one free of political government — also works against the idea of having such a government holding society down.
About that “Real Estate Dispute” in Sheikh Jarrah
When the Israeli government describes the conflict over the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of East Jerusalem as just a “real-estate dispute,” it has a point.
Glad I Have as Much Choice as I Do
The continuing COVID-19 overreactions of New Mexico’s politicians mean I’ve spent much less time and money in New Mexico than I would have normally. Why would I go where businesses are either closed or operating with restricted capacity when I have other options? I prefer to go where businesses can decide whether they’ll force customers to wear a mask, rather than where a one-size-fits-all mandate declares businesses aren’t allowed to decide for themselves.