Many times over the years people have demanded proof that liberty is better than the alternative. Sometimes the detail being questioned changes — maybe it’s the concept of human rights or ethics they are objecting to — but the argument is the same. They don’t accept the superiority of liberty over whatever they’d prefer, so they demand proof.
Tag: slavery
Arguments for Government Work against It
Any argument against the idea of having a free society — one free of political government — also works against the idea of having such a government holding society down.
Anarchist Government?
In one of my recent “Blips” I wrote:
Is anarchy “a system”?
It comes down to what someone means by “system”.
If “system” means a general way to do things, sure.
But if they mean an institution with someone “in charge” who imposes their will, no.
Time to Right Marijuana Wrongs
Once a State’s marijuana rules have changed, everyone with marijuana charges on their record should get a clean slate. At least where marijuana is concerned. Then they need to be paid the restitution they are owed by those who harmed them.
States Are Moving to Ban Toxic ‘Critical Race Theory’ in Schools—But Their Efforts Could Backfire
No matter how good our intentions are, government involvement in education is bound to create political struggles and choose winners and losers.
Money as a Geopolitical Weapon
People who seek to rule over and control others learned long ago that controlling money and trade is the best way to do it. On a global level, there are open conspiracies among controlling interests that go about doing just that.
Biden Administration Prioritizes “Woke-ism” and Critical Race Theory In Schools
The Biden administration is taking new steps to promote Critical Race Theory and The New York Times’s controversial 1619 Project in US education programs. In a proposed federal rule issued on Monday, the US Department of Education indicated that it will be using taxpayer funds to award millions of dollars in American history and civics education grants that prioritize the belief that America is systemically racist.
American Education: Child Indoctrination, Struggle Sessions and Debt Slavery
Seemingly overnight, a large segment of America has gone insane. We’re not talking about the culture of paranoia and safety that has metastasized in the wake of COVID-19 hysteria. We’re talking about the ideological shift, particularly on cultural issues, that has occurred since the start of the Obama Administration.
Gender Inequality Isn’t the Problem With the Draft
While draft registration does involve unequal treatment of men and women, the larger issue is Selective Service registration itself.
The Stimulus Bill’s Anti-Socialist Poison Pill
There’s another good name for the “gig economy”: “Socialism.” Not the state-substitutist variety in which the political class flaps its lips about the workers while screwing them with their pants on, but the real thing.