I’ve written elsewhere, in places too numerous now to recall, about the fact that many if not most libertarians make the erroneous – and largely false – assumption that the average person actually wants to be free. All the evidence demonstrates that they don’t. There’s another reason why libertarianism fails to gain mass appeal: It’s too rational.
Author: Alex R. Knight III
Alex R. Knight III is originally from Groveland, Massachusetts, where he grew up listening to rock and roll, reading J.R.R. Tolkien, and the comic books of the 1970s. He today lives in rural southern Vermont where he welds, plays guitar, paints abstracts, reads avidly, and writes. He is the author of the short fiction collection, Tales From Dark 7, in addition to the novels The Morris Room, and Empty World. And, he is a Voluntaryist. Visit his MeWe group here.
Why I Like Beatniks More Than Hippies
There were differences between these two ostensibly “antiestablishment” lifestyles, and not all of them merely temporal. The Beats projected a different vision than the hippies who followed after them, and it was one that, I contend, appealed much more to an individualistic sensibility.
Political Atheism vs. Libertarianism
Increasingly, I see myself as a kind of lapsed libertarian, and veering into political atheism. Call it environmental conditioning, if you want. I just see it as the way things are.
Leftists Are Toxic Lunatics
… a little recent repartee from Quora: Is socialism when the government does stuff? Alex Knight BA from Union Institute & University Answered Feb 24 “Government itself is socialism. It does not rely upon market forces, but coercive force in order to secure its financing. It then imposes (not provides) “services” (many of which would…
Socialism is Satan
If you’ll pardon me, I’m going to engage in a little of my own Paul Harvey here: If I were Satan (and likely, there are more than a few leftists out there by now who believe precisely that), I would promote and engage in virtually every idea and activity that the modern Left presently does.
My Gitmo
My Gitmo. A small enclave where the philosophy of freedom still exists. Outside, in much of the rest of Vermont, is an ethical and intellectual wasteland filled with devious, diabolical, destructive, and downright evil ideas such as critical race theory, socialism, gun control, suppression of free speech, and cultural Marxism. Those things are not welcome here. Not on my 20 acres. Not at my Gitmo.
Limited Government and Communism
What do the two share in common? The original end-concept of the latter was that ultimately, via socialism, the State would simply disappear altogether.
You No Longer Believe the Government? That’s Not Enough
No one really believes the government itself anymore. Those days began dying, in all truth, when JFK did. Public incredulity of media and its relationship to government has only escalated ever since.
Senseless Leftist Obstinacy (Vermont Style)
Some neighbors of mine, who “own” around 370 acres of land, are finding it necessary (like many others here in Vermont) to have portions of their property timbered off by loggers in order to raise the necessary capital to pay the property taxes imposed by government – lest that same government should seize their property by force.
Conserve Your Sympathies, Fight Your Own Battles
As has not been lost on many modern-day libertarians, the ancient Greek and Roman Stoics counselled – among many other things – that since the vast majority of occurrences we encounter in life are matters beyond our control, it only makes rational sense to disregard such goings-on, and focus exclusively on those things which are of immediate concern to us, and fall within our own sphere of personal influence.