Unschooling in the World: Joyce Fetteroll

An Interview by Sandra Dodd. One of my favorite unschooling analysts is Joyce Fetteroll, of Medfield, Massachusetts. Joyce has been writing about unschooling since 1995, when her daughter, Kathryn, was four. Joyce has an engineering degree and worked for a while as a software engineer and technical writer for a communications company. Her husband, Carl,…

Everything Voluntary – Unschooling Resources

Table of Contents Previous – Section Four – Chapter 23 – Grown Without Schooling by Jason Hunt Unschooling Resources Books How Children Learn, by John Holt “This enduring classic of educational thought offers teachers and par-ents deep, original insight into the nature of early learning. John Holt was the first to make clear that, for…

Walter Williams, Rest in Peace (1936-2020)

Dr. Walter Williams passed away last night, December 1st, 2020. I’ve mentioned him a plethora of times, along with Dr. Thomas Sowell, as the two springboards that got me into economics, liberty, and ultimately voluntaryism, peaceful parenting, and radical unschooling. Dr. Williams was the first, however, to get me thinking about economics and liberty. He will hold a special place in my heart, and I’m honored to have sat at his feet and learned so much from him. He will be missed. Please take a moment today to watch this telling documentary about him and his work.

The Deviousness of “Have To”

“Have to” is one of those phrases that I only began thinking critically about when we travelled further along our unschooling journey. A major theme in radical unschooling is the removal of rules and obligations, and replaced with principles and choices. “Have to” often implies unchosen obligations, and can be, but is not always, incompatible with respecting your children’s autonomy and preferences.

Episode 077 – Jordan’s Journey (1h11m)

Episode 077 welcomes Jordan Vaughn Neal to the podcast to chat with Skyler about his journey to voluntaryism. Topics include: golf, the anarchy in cooperative games, Facebook discussions/debates, being Canadian and dual citizenship, public school in Canada, his parents’ careers, moving to the United States, complete disinterest in high school, LDS mission to East Germany and the libertarian seeds that were planted, his passion for computer science and programming, a Society Security law firm job he held, Stefan Molyneux’ influence on his libertarianism and peaceful parenting, the War on Drugs, overcoming biases, subjective theory of value and economic thinking, and his wife and his commitment to radical unschooling.

My Personal Views on Abortion

As a man, am I allowed to have a “personal view” on abortion? I think so. I have many women in my life, including a wife and two daughters. Any unexpected or unwanted pregnancy of these women will affect me to some degree. My daughters are probably at the top of that list. When asked, and I would be asked as their father whom they love deeply, I will be a source of counsel and comfort on any decisions regarding this controversial practice.

The Voluntaryist Ethnicity

As my family has traveled the country and met or stayed with other voluntaryists and unschoolers, I can’t help but notice certain general customs among people and families of this kind. Without putting anybody in a box or limiting how it is expressed or experienced, here is the voluntaryist ethnicity as I’ve seen it.

Skyler Interviewed for The Homeschooling and Liberty Summit (27m) – Episode 103

Episode 103 features an interview of Skyler by Graeme Anderson for the Homeschooling and Liberty Summit, which occurred throughout the month of February 2018. Topics include: his schooling experience, moving his family to unschooling and peaceful parenting, what these have to do with his political views and the voluntary principle, and more.