They are petulant toddlers with illegitimate power. Let them throw their tantrums and try to stay out of their reach. But don’t concern yourself with what they think of you. They are just not credible, rational, or sensible.
Tag: bullies
Feeling a Little Extra Freedom Lately
Did you just feel a little breeze of extra freedom? I felt it. Why would I feel a bit freer than I did a couple of months ago? How could this happen? It’s mental freedom. Freedom from caring what government does or says.
The Great (Business) Extinction
The government’s “pandemic” shut-downs are causing a Great Extinction– for businesses.
The government’s “pandemic” shut-downs are causing a Great Extinction– for businesses.
It’s like an asteroid strike, a supervolcano caldera explosion, or a new ice age. But political rather than physical.
Many businesses won’t survi…
An Educational Bonanza
My daughter is finally free of government school!
“Police” is The Behavior
A “police officer” is a person who commits the act of policing; of enforcing legislation for political bullies in exchange for stolen money. “Police” is not the person, it is the set of behaviors the person commits. This is why it isn’t “collectivist” to admit there are no good cops.
Jojo Rabbit: A Choice Between Authentic and False Community
You know it’s a good movie when you clap spontaneously, laugh like a maniac, and feel your heart torn to shreds in the same two-hour stretch. Jojo Rabbit is that movie. Saw it last night and have a lot to say about it. If you haven’t seen this wonderful movie, stop reading, watch the trailer, and get your tix. If you have seen it and want to discuss, keep reading.
Roderick Long on the Plight of the Worker
In response to my Nickel and Dimed posts, my old friend Roderick Long referred me to his original review of the book. Highlights of Rod’s review: Ehrenreich went “undercover” to document the lives of the working poor and the Kafkaesque maze of obstacles they face: the grindingly low wages; the desperate scramble to make ends […]
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Competing Political Gangs and Their Territories
I took a walk recently, just to the bank. It turns out that’s 1.1 miles, one way. On this walk, I crossed a state border. Twice. Strange. I felt no difference when I crossed, but suddenly a whole new collection of crimes was possible, while other activities suddenly became non-crimes. Just from crossing that imaginary line. Going both ways.
Bullying’s Cure is Fighting Back
Schools decry bullying, often getting the community involved. It’s a halfhearted effort at best. Schools can’t eliminate bullying without undermining their own system since it’s based on authoritarianism — socially accepted bullying.
The Broader Effects of Trade and Tech
My personal view is that the broad social effects of international trade, technological progress, and immigration are all, on balance, positive. For immigration, I’ve done my homework; for trade and tech, however, I’m only guessing.