What’s Wrong with the Thrive/Survive Theory of Left and Right

Many people in my circles now seem to take Thrive/Survive Theory as the default position; if it’s not true, it’s still the story to beat.  But to be blunt, I find essentially no value in it.  It’s not always wrong, but it’s about as right as you’d expect from chance. 

Progressives Have Too Much Faith and Trust in Political Power

If you’re wealthy, that’s proof positive that you are taking advantage, or exploiting, those less wealthy than you. By definition. In every case. (Never mind their next best alternative is less desirable for them.) But here’s the rub: in order to fix wealth inequality, progressives are choosing to increase power inequality. And which is the greater threat to every income class of mankind?

What the Left Should Like about Public Choice

Although the public choice school of political economy has been demonized in a new work of putatively progressive fiction masquerading as intellectual history, good-faith leftists (if they don’t already regard themselves as libertarians) may be surprised by how their cause could benefit from the insights of James Buchanan, et al.

Fawning Over a Corporation to Protect Us from Corporations

It’s always struck me as extremely odd that leftists fawn over using government to protect us from corporations. What do they think the government is? The fawning is quite indicative of their ignorance in at least ten ways.