American leaders and their loyal media pundits love to sit in judgment of other countries’ election, declaring them fair or rigged according to their seemingly meticulous standards. In fact, the real standard is that the regimes “we” like hold free and fair (enough) elections, while the regimes “we” dislike don’t. What about regimes “we” like that hold no elections at all, like Saudi Arabia? They are forgotten whenever the loveliness of democracy is the topic of discussion.
Tag: guns
Government Should Have Less Control
If you’re going to tolerate politicians, and a political government for them to operate in, what should they be allowed to do? Not much.
Won’t Sacrifice Liberty for Worst of Us
There will always be some members of the population set on killing each other over petty squabbles and imagined slights. Nothing you and I can do will ever change this; nothing government can do will stop it. Some people are just determined to be uncivilized. They may even prefer living this way, and wouldn’t change if given every chance. You will be more free once you realize this truth.
Clown Car Parking Zone
The zone is the zone of politics. From the over abundance of vehicles parked there we get endless streams of politicians, presidents, prime ministers, faux problems, and chickenshit non-solutions.
Joe Biden’s Latest “Gun Violence” Fairy Tale
The first five “initial actions” are a mix of pro-gun-violence idiocy and public relations fluff that the White House should be embarrassed for even trying to put over on the public as non-fiction.
Ol’ Joe Bad’un’s “Executive Actions” against Gun Owners
Domestic enemy and anti-gun bigot criminal Joe Biden (probably under the control of his emotional support pig*) has announced “executive actions” on guns.
Gun Owners’ Rights in Danger
Congress has begun another epic crime spree: it is passing new anti-gun legislation and plotting more in the near future. If any of this legislation passes, President Biden will sign it — he’s been bigoted against gun owners his whole political career.
Repealing Political Discrimination
Most skilled American workers are now at least somewhat afraid to criticize fashionable left-wing views. They feel quite fearful to do so on the job, and fairly fearful to do so on social media. One tempting way to quell this high anxiety is to pass new laws against political discrimination.
Mass Murder at Boulder’s King Soopers
It sickens me that someone could murder that many people without being shot dead in the act by 4 or 5 bystanders. But this is the world anti-gun bigots and their legislation have worked so hard to create and perpetuate.
Bad People
Popular gun control advocacy position: “We have to keep guns out of the hands of bad people.” Well, then the best way to do that is to abolish government.