Can You Measure an Education? Define Life’s Meaning?

Written by Peter Gray for Psychology Today. We, in America and many other modern nations, are obsessed with measurement. Our motto seems to be, “If you can’t count it, it doesn’t count.” We’re especially obsessed with measuring children’s education, and, with No Child Left Behind, we’ve run amok with that obsession. Our children have become…

In Relationships, Respect May Be Even More Crucial than Love

Guest post by Peter Gray. It is useful, I think, to compare and contrast parent-child relationships with husband-wife relationships. In both of these, respect is absolutely essential for the relationship to work. Love without respect is dangerous; it can crush the other person, sometimes literally. To respect is to understand that the other person is…

Chase S. Returns, Earthships, Hong Kong, & Project Veritas (1h6m) – Episode 391

Episode 391 welcomes back Chase Steffensen to chat with Skyler on the following topics: their food delivery experience; earthships (YouTube), created by Michael Reynolds; the agricultural revolution and what it did to humanity; Hong Kong protests and the China situation; COVID-19 casedemic; Project Veritas and Ilhan Omar voter fraud; Boyce of Reason podcast and listening to other perspectives to learn not to get triggered; the value of debates versus long form discussions found in the podcasting world; and more.