Homeschooling, as characterized by someone who prefers “public” [sic] schools: “it’s all about ideology first; creating soldiers for the culture war“.
Sure. In some tragic cases, that is what is going on.
And how exactly is that different from government schools? What does he think government schools are doing?
Yes, some people use home education to teach their kids harmful lies while insulating them from competing ideas (truth, reality, and ethics). That’s bad. They should not do this to vulnerable children.
Yet, government schools do the exact same thing— even teaching some of the same harmful lies the worst of the homeschoolers are teaching.
If you are teaching your kids to pledge allegiance to a flag, to honor political “authority“, that government is good or necessary, you are teaching a toxic ideology to kids too young to know any better– whether they are being taught at home or in a theft-funded kinderprison.
If you expect these kids to go out and become “good citizens” while promoting your favorite flavor of statism, you’ve done nothing but indoctrinate these trusting children into your death cult religion. The religion of Statism. You are training them to be soldiers in the culture war, fighting for the side of statism.
It’s kind of pathetic to criticize someone for doing the same thing your preferred cult is doing– even if the details differ a little.