Wilson, the Stubborn

I had a friend– I’ll call him “Wilson”– who was… interesting. He was a bit of a conspiracy nut, more than a little paranoid, hated government, was good at outdoor survival skills, had questionable taste in women, and was very stubborn. Yes, he had his flaws (as do we all) but all-in-all he was a decent guy. I always enjoyed hanging out with him. Here’s one tale about him.

The Socialist Century (-ies?)

The 20th Century should be known as the Socialist Century. My hope would be that it would be a singular mistake, not repeated in the 21st Century. But I’m not optimistic. Judging by current trends, we may be entering Socialist Century 2.0. And it may end up being even worse than the previous century before it’s over and done.

“Let Me See Your ID First.”

One thought that keeps running through my mind is that believers in the State must expect everyone to swap “government-issued ID” when they meet (and be able to tell if it is “real”), just in case anything happens later on. Maybe they believe the State should issue “Approved for Sex” cards, with age restrictions on which partners you’re allowed, of course.