I find the practice of “collective punishment” to be disgusting. It’s the lazy bully‘s way. The coward’s way.
For that matter, I’m not a fan of punishment at all, much preferring justice, but collective punishment is all about punishing the innocent along with the guilty. It’s “collateral damage”.
If the kinderprison teacher doesn’t know who is guilty of some offense (real or imagined) he’ll just punish the whole class. This is an extremely common practice in government schools and similar places. I think the lesson this teaches is different than the one authoritarians might imagine.
Just because some people use guns while they archate, all gun owners will be punished (higher prices, government fees, red tape, prohibitions, etc.). Which, in the long run, gives the bad guys an advantage.
Just because some drug users harm people, all drugs must be regulated, and anyone using them outside the State’s limits will be punished, regardless of harm done.
Almost all Statism has collective punishment at its foundation.
The weaker someone’s position and less legitimate someone’s power is, the more they rely on collective punishment.
If you can’t let go of punishment, at least stop supporting collective punishment of any sort. Collective punishment is never right.