Gun Owners’ Rights in Danger

Congress has begun another epic crime spree: it is passing new anti-gun legislation and plotting more in the near future. If any of this legislation passes, President Biden will sign it — he’s been bigoted against gun owners his whole political career.

More dangerous than the legislation itself is how the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE) — a bureau that violates the Constitution by existing— may interpret and enforce it.

One of the new proposals is to make every gun “transfer” subject to an FBI background check. The BATFE could then decide this means if you let a friend hold your gun you are both criminals unless you pay for a background check. Ridiculous? Yes, but this is the same agency that, in September 2004, declared a shoelace a “machine gun” for the purposes of punishing a gun owner.

The Second Amendment doesn’t say which guns or gun accessories the people are allowed to own, how many, or with whose permission — rather, it makes it a crime to pass or enforce any legislation concerning weapons. The Second Amendment doesn’t address the people at all; it prohibits government actions. It is an expression of natural law, above any and all legislation.

Even without the Second Amendment, the natural human right to own and to carry weapons would still exist, just the same as it has since humans first walked the Earth. Nothing can make a right go away or be subject to the opinions of politicians or their enforcers.

The Constitution also forbids the states to violate the rights of the people. There is no wiggle-room on this issue.

In a country where government respected and followed real law, those who pass, sign, or enforce anti-gun legislation would be headed straight to prison. Especially since they are committing these crimes more or less in the open without denying it. There’s no question of their guilt.

This is what I feared would come with a Biden administration. It’s why I would have preferred Trump to win, even though he was no friend of gun owners — or of liberty in general.

You can have an opinion about the relative badness of competing politicians without supporting either one. Biden is proving my suspicions as to his shady character. I thought he would be a terrible danger to American liberty and he is.

It’s coming; you’ve been warned. If you value liberty, you’re in the crosshairs.

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