“One Voluntaryist’s Perspective” is an original column by the founder and editor Skyler J. Collins.
People who call themselves “government” are Group A. Everyone else is Group B, in any given society.
Group A claims jurisdiction over Group B, meaning, they claim the legal right to use force against Group B for disobeying their rules.
There is no hard, factual evidence to support Group A’s claim of jurisdiction over Group B, nor for the applicability of Group A’s rules to Group B.
Group A’s claim of jurisdiction exists not as a matter of fact, but as a matter of opinion.
Group A’s rules apply to Group B because Group A says so. That is the extent of their legitimacy.
Group A’s primary activity is to force Group B to pay them, and then proceed to return a portion of the ill-gotten gains back to Group B in various ways in order to keep them from realizing the long con, and revolting.
One component of Group A’s long con is maintaining the public perception that its activities are in accordance with the public good, that without Group A’s activities, Group B would be constantly at each others’ throats, an existence nasty, brutish, and short. This is a major reason why Group A organizes and maintains centers of indoctrination education for the children of Group B.
Another component of Group A’s long con is maintaining the public perception that it always and everywhere protects Group B’s right to due process. This means Group A promises not to accuse anyone in Group B of breaking its rules without first supplying hard, factual evidence as to the guilt of the member(s) of Group B.
Group A breaks this promise when it fails to supply hard, factual evidence as to the applicability of its rules to Group B. Where the crime is one of disobeying a rule, in contrast to committing a tort (causing damage to another person), Group A’s predatory nature is revealed when it arbitrarily assumes jurisdiction and the applicability of its rules without supplying hard, factual evidence to support such claims.
In other words, Group A is by its nature in relation to Group B a criminal organization. As such, its officers are criminals and predators and behave criminally and predatory as a matter of course.
Question: How far can a member of Group B go in willingly supporting Group A before they become complicit in their crimes?