You have the right to an education. You do not have the right to rob people, or force them to ransom their property, so you can have a “public” school.
You have the right to health care. You do not have the right to rob people, or force them to serve you, so you can have “free, universal” health care.
You have the right to control your property. You do not have the right to rob people, or control their property and consensual trade arrangements, so you can have “secure borders” and unconstitutional “immigration control”. Other people’s property is not yours to control, not “even” if you call yourself government.
You have the right to own and to carry a weapon. You do not have the right to rob people, or force them to give you the gun you want, so you can exercise your right without cost. It’s funny that those who want to enslave others for “positive rights” always seem to overlook this identical argument.
The ONLY responsibility others have with regards to your rights is to not violate them. To not ban books, to not declare a War on Politically Incorrect Drugs, or establish medical licensing or an FDA, to respect private property, and to not make up anti-gun “laws” of any kind. If they are doing something which actually interferes with your rights, they are the bad guys. If you expect others to be enslaved so you can have what you want, then the bad guy is you.