Time To Roast The Peacock

Years ago I seem to have signed up for email “news alerts” from one of the original old “mainstream news” corporations. I don’t remember why. I’ve never bothered to unsubscribe because until the past couple of years I didn’t get that many alerts, but when I did, they were about actual events; news. Things like earthquakes, mass murders, hurricanes, plane crashes, and stuff of that sort. That has changed during the Trump years.

Now I get a few “alerts” every day, and the majority of them are designed to do one thing only: to disparage Trump. Why bother? I don’t care one way or the other.

I hate that I have to say this again, but if I don’t I will be misinterpreted (I probably will be anyway): I don’t like or support Trump or any other president, past, present, or future. I do not respect the office, nor do I believe it is even slightly legitimate.

But what amazes me is the amount of effort this “news organization” is putting towards trashing Trump. The contrast with the way they treated Obama makes this even more obvious. And disgusting. I get it: the mainstream media hates Trump. OK. It doesn’t mean you have to stretch to find people who hate Trump to quote. Or report on things you think Trump might have been thinking, or whatever. That’s not newsworthy, it’s just desperate. It makes you look as bad as you are hoping it makes Trump look. Some days, even worse.

I’m occasionally interested in news. I’m not interested in the “news’” opinions on Trump. Or on the “Democratic candidates” either. Politics isn’t automatically news; in fact, it rarely is.

This has finally inspired me to do what I should have done many years ago. I have unsubscribed from their “news alerts”. It was past time.

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