The Myth of Religious Violence: A Review of William Cavanaugh’s Book

William Cavanaugh’s “The Myth of Religious Violence” sets out to deflate the titular myth, that religion is a uniquely violent social force, both throughout history and across cultures. In doing so, he manages to critique the modern secular liberal concept of religion as a definable sociological category, and gestures towards a more holistic mode of analyzing the origins of violence in society.

Jail is no Substitute for Evidence

Evidence is “the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.” Putting someone in jail does not prove magical rules called “laws” apply to us. I can forcibly apply my rules to you, that doesn’t mean they are applicable to you and create obligations on you. It’s irrational to hold otherwise.

Dissent Welcome – Prove States / Citizens / Governments Actually Exist

You have to prove reciprocal obligations of allegiance and protection were created and exist to be able to prove there are citizens; then you can prove there are states and governments. If you can prove that, then you need evidence that their rules, called “laws” actually apply to us and create obligations on us just because we’re physically in Arizona, or wherever.