Written by Harry Hoiles, as published in The Voluntaryist, October 1992.
The initiation of force against peaceful people is always wrong. Yet most citizens of our country support this initiation of force when it is used to collect taxes.
Why do they do so?
Is it because they can’t visualize a government which is voluntarily supported?
Aren’t there thousands of voluntarily-supported police forces (private night-watchmen, security guards, detective and investigative agencies) in these United States?
Aren’t there thousands of voluntarily-supported firemen (hundreds of communities have volunteer fire companies) in these United States?
Aren’t there thousands of voluntarily-supported judges (private arbitrators, dispute resolution counselors) in these United States?
Aren’t there thousands of voluntarily-supported schools (private, church, etc.) in these United States?
Aren’t there thousands of voluntarily-supported package delivery companies (United Parcel Service, Federal Express, etc.) in these United States?
Doesn’t the free market supply all these in addition to those provided by our involuntarily-supported government?
Why don’t we rely on the free market to supply all these services instead of coercively collecting taxes from some and forcefully preventing others from effectively competing for customer patronage?