When someone takes on the role of making decisions through government for millions of people, I cease to value their life in itself. Their life is only consequential to the effects of their decisions and the effect their death will have on those decisions.
We don’t and can’t mourn the deaths of millions sentenced to die by the war hawks, so I refused to mourn the death of John McCain. We don’t and can’t mourn for the millions of people who has lost liberty and lives from the actions of the progressives on the Supreme Court, so I refuse to mourn the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
These political figures might be wonderful in many different ways, but when you decide to enter the world of coercion through government policy in such a way that substantially effects the lives of millions of people, I don’t care how many kids you adopted, kittens you pet, or money you donated to charity. The political actions of these people are far greater than any individual thing they’ve done in life, and I will judge them on that.
The world is far better with John McCain dead. Similarly, cancer has found a short period in human history where it was beneficial to humanity.