Our society has a bizarre way of handling children. Kids spend the bulk of their time preparing to enter this mysterious “Real World” which they are (more often than not) not allowed to participate in. They are stuffed with facts in a vacuum, sorted by age, neat and still.
Even at home the “Adult World” and the “Children’s World” seldom meet. Instead of learning how to cook, or learning how to fix, young children are given toys to play with. They are told to “Go outside” or “Get out of my hair” or “Give me space.” They are in the way. They are an annoyance. A hindrance. A bother.
Humans are not meant to live this way. They are meant to live in families that spend time together. That work together. That solve their problems and accomplish goals together. Children learn from working side by side with an adult. Someone they respect. Someone they trust.
You want to change the world? You want to make it a better place? You want to solve our societies problems? Blur the lines. Our society will never change until we change the way we treat children. Involve them in your work. Involve them in your hobbies and passions. Welcome them. Understand that they are still growing and learning, and are going to screw things up occasionally. That’s how they learn. That’s how we all learn. And don’t just bring them into your world. Take an interest in their interests. Learn about their passions. Listen to them. REALLY listen. You might learn something.