An Alphab[uck]et List

Nobody asked but … One of my bucket lists: Ask Be kind Cry Don’t run for any office Eat Freedom is always a goal Generations are artificial divisions Happiness is undefinable but reachable Imagine Joy is always a goal Kids, be with them, love them Laugh Momentum is tricky No retirement Open your mind Pass…

Another Fine Mess

Nobody asked but … By the time the next election for POTUS rolls around, November 5, 2024, Joe Biden will be 81 and Donald Trump will be 78.  Yikes! A choice between frik and frak, a benign do-gooder vs a malign do-badder — both toxic to America. There is no chance that the dems will…

A Republic … If You Can Keep It

The title above is based on a Benjamin Franklin quote, often cited.  It implies that a republic is a good thing, worth keeping.  At the time of Franklin’s observation, republics went back to the heyday of Rome and Athens, and were the merest step apart from monarchy.  A good definition of “republic” would point out that it was doublespeak for aristocracy.

Word Jungle

Market.  Marketplace.  Free market.  Open market.  Corporatocracy.  Self-interest.  Greed.  Graft.  Grift.  Regulation.  Regulatory capture.  Human action.  Human nature.  Darwin.  Darwinism.  Natural selection.  Eugenics.  Survival.  Survival of the fittest.   Leadership.  Adherency.   History.  Fact.  Fiction.  Dog eat dog.  War.  Peace.  Civil.  Barbaric.

Getting It Wrong

Maybe the battle of the sexes will never end.  Maybe if it does, it will be like Vietnam or Afghanistan.  With a WTF? My complaint has always been that the only winners seem to be the ones who act the most like the aggressors.  Women who wear pants suits, and men who are the most passive aggressive win (in an odd way).