Getting It Wrong

Nobody asked but …

Maybe the battle of the sexes will never end.  Maybe if it does, it will be like Vietnam or Afghanistan.  With a WTF?

My complaint has always been that the only winners seem to be the ones who act the most like the aggressors.  Women who wear pants suits, and men who are the most passive aggressive win (in an odd way).

Too many have adopted the most feudal role models.  Women who use Type A, testosterone-soaked methods, who dress in coat-and-tie, are dominant.  Men who are fussy about dos and don’ts rule.

Why haven’t we learned?  Is this where we get off of the evolutionary commuter transit?

We had a chance to do things differently.  Instead we wrapped our lifestyles around the comfortable customs of the past.

During the shutdown, I have become a habituee of Turner Classic Movies.  The evidence is that we haven’t changed in centuries.  That’s carrying conservatism too far.  That’s expecting too much from  genuflection before the tried-and-not-so-true.

— Kilgore Forelle


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