Without Borders

In my previous post, Kilgore’s Travels, I reveled in the fact that I could span the globe, cybernetically, using the amazing app, Google Earth.  Today, I realized that I went where I wanted without regard to borders, or without thinking whether I was welcomed there or not.

Forelle’s Travels

Yesterday I visited Mount Fuji and Mount Kilimanjaro.  I meant to go also to Mount Denali, but I got sidetracked at the Rock of Gibraltar.  Exhausting, right? Not really.  I did it from my couch with Kilgorette’s Chihuahua curled in my lap.  I did it via Google Earth.

Regarding IP

Isaac Newton said, “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”  He might add today, “But the smoke generated by bureaucracy makes it difficult to see very far.”  But he did see the fog long ago when he ventured “We build too many walls and not enough bridges … “

A Place of One’s Own

A very good friend recently had a life-altering event.  And it did not just change things going forward.  It changed past, present, and future.  Not only does it make him reconsider, wondering what his final role is in this neck of the universal woods, but it has profound implications for me, too.


Sooner or later, the know-nothings are going to bite off more than they can chew.  POTUS is now threatening General Motors about plant closures.  The sad truth is, however, that when a business overproduces, it must cut back.