Groundhog Day

I don’t get it.  Why this human propensity to wig out over an excruciating obsession with air currents?  The physics behind weather has long been known.  The Earth has a tilt and rotation, an orbit about a living sun.  It’s cut and dried.  The poor weatherman on TV has to come up with something to keep us buying pork’n’beans.

The Delphi Technique

Whereas the Delphi Technique is intended for honest and scientific use, most bureaucrats have perfected a sub-technique to foil the use of the technique.  It is like the rule of thumb for lawyers — don’t ask any question for which you don’t already know the answer.

The Vote

Both Albert Jay Nock and Frank Chodorov, in my view, had the idea that mass conversion of society to voluntaryism was impossible, since the state always rigs the game so that the majority of the people are being fooled.  It is “the vote” itself which snookers them.

Rusty Mechanics

Will we lose faith in all institutions of government?  As a voluntaryist, that happened with me long ago.  I say let ‘er rip.  I’m getting tired of hearing that we get the government that we deserve — a “wet sidewalk” fallacy if ever I’ve heard one.

But-cept II

A few days ago, I wrote a blog criticising, by the way, the so-called founding fathers.  When I shared that post elsewhere, a treasured colleague took exception to my generalization, and he informed me that I need to read more Thomas Jefferson.


It must be a fiction that the colonial man in the streets had any cohesive thought on the matter.  The American Revolutionary War was promulgated by the landed gentry to protect their already-claimed advantages.  They got the peasantry to fight and die, to freeze to death, to starve for the pretty abstraction of freedom.  This war, like all others, was fought for the status quo.  But-cept, how do I know?

Abstract Fear

Souls are stolen by fostering fear.  For instance, what was so great about the “Great Depression?”  Politicians use words, abstractions which are intended to cast us into the abyss.  What, really, makes up the “War on Terror?”

Country Lane

As voluntaryists, we need to tune out incidental clutter, while not losing the essence.  Mine is a beautiful country lane on a creek’s banks.  From time to time, high water may bring detritus, but it gets cleaned up — mostly by those of us who live there.