Aside from all the immorality of state coercion, “government” services will always be a crappy deal, for a very simple economic reason – so simple that it’s kind of pathetic it even needs to be explained.
When some private company wants to get your money, it has to produce something – like goods or services – that you would freely choose to buy. So they both have to: 1) produce something you want; and 2) sell it at a price you’re willing to pay for it. Since you don’t have to deal with them at all, the pressure is all on them to produce better stuff for a lower price, so you will choose to take the deal. And because other companies compete with them, that puts even more pressure on them to make better stuff and charge less for it.
Now compare that to “government” “services.” Let’s use the example of the crappy indoctrination camps called “public schools.” (I have reason to be especially annoyed about that right now.) Since the local parasites force all property owners to pay for it, under threat of sending men with guns to steal their homes if they don’t, there is pretty much no incentive for them to produce anything of value, and no incentive for them to keep prices low. They can (and do) produce absolute crap for ridiculously bad prices. As long as it doesn’t trigger widespread resistance or rebellion, they don’t need to give a crap what their victims (not “customers”) think.
Again, the fact that this needs explaining is pretty sad, and is due in part to how worthless those indoctrination camps really are (resulting in most people being economic imbeciles). And that makes it extra infuriating when mindless statists demand that “government” provide this or that “service,” and then complain when those “services” are expensive and of low quality. Then they say idiotic things like, “We can’t let the market handle this! That would be too expensive!” Gack.