Vermont Voluntaryists on Facebook

I am seeking to ramp up voluntaryist activism and interest in voluntaryism in general here in Vermont.  In October, 2011, I launched the Vermont Voluntaryists Facebook Page, yet to date, most members are non-residents.  So while all interested in the transition to a voluntary society are still welcome to join, I’m especially interested in more Likes from Vermont.  If that’s you or perhaps someone you know, please help spread the word.  I’m also open to suggestions as to how future posts might be crafted in order to pique interest in voluntaryism specifically in Vermont.  Thank you.

~  Alex

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Alex R. Knight III is originally from Groveland, Massachusetts, where he grew up listening to rock and roll, reading J.R.R. Tolkien, and the comic books of the 1970s.  He today lives in rural southern Vermont where he welds, plays guitar, paints abstracts, reads avidly, and writes.  He is the author of the short fiction collection, Tales From Dark 7in addition to the novels The Morris Roomand Empty World.  And, he is a Voluntaryist. Visit his MeWe group here.