Episode 335 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following entries to r/shitstatistssay: CNBC writes, “Full-time minimum wage workers cannot afford a two-bedroom rental anywhere in the U.S. and cannot afford a one-bedroom rental in 95% of U.S. counties.”; GoAheadAndH8Me writes, “Free consent cannot be given in a society that lacks a UBI providing a comfortable life as the worst possible outcome.”; the Hampton Institute writes, “If capitalism were suddenly outlawed & we all began working for each other (instead of for a handful of rich people), we’d have 10-hour workweeks, no poverty, no war, no crime, more time with our families & communities, creative/productive outlets, and sustainable/healthy living.”; and Talos-Valcoran writes, “The government takes a part of the money it gave to the companies, who gave it to you, back so that it can improve your life. Without taxes the whole government wouldn’t work.”
Listen to Episode 335 (31m, mp3, 64kbps)
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