Thinking Outside of the Box

In the movie, 2001, A Space Odyssey, the opening scene portrays a tribe of apes fighting with a rival tribe. The extent of the violence is limited to grunting and chest-beating. The next scene shows one of the apes sitting before a huge monolith which begins to hum, gaining the attention of the ape. (The writer of the story suggested that the monolith represented a cosmological force that imparted reason to that ape). Suddenly the ape picks up a femur bone of a dead animal lying next to him and the viewing audience can see him thinking. He begins to strike the ground with it multiple times, ever harder and harder and the scene ends. The next scene shows the two tribes fighting but this time the ape uses the femur to successfully fight off the invading tribe, thus innovating the first tool. The ape, in utter ecstasy, throws the bone high in the air and the bone become a space ship in the year 2001. Thus, apes became homo sapiens. This may be the very first example of the idea of “thinking outside of the box.”

There are basically two cognitive methods to solve problems successfully—improving on what is or creating something entirely new. When Isaac Newton discovered the laws of motion, I venture to guess that the first thing that he said to himself was something like, “what if?” That “what if” was the first step on his road to thinking outside of the box leading to his magnificent discovery of many of the secrets of the universe. In addition, by thinking outside of the box he also invented a new math called calculus that enabled him to put his theoretical ideas into practice. Most of the great subsequent discoveries and inventions from others spewed forth from what Newton created and we all owe him a great sense of gratitude for what he accomplished.

The same is true for all of the original extremely important creations of the past, from the invention of computers to unraveling the secrets of DNA, to Archimedes discovery of the law of buoyancy, to Einstein’s Theories of Relativity. “What if?” Those two words have been an inspiration to the minds of the various cosmological and scientific creators of the past and have been a blessing to civilization.

Therefore, I ask, what if the present and past paths chosen towards peace and harmony amongst the people of this planet have been the wrong paths? What if those paths previously chosen have been responsible for the fact that, not only has mankind failed to solve our most serious problems, but those same paths have made it worse? What if the attempt to improve upon those antiquated methods that have failed in the past have, in fact, prevented us from looking elsewhere for the answers? Most people will agree that there is more conflict, disharmony, mal-contentment and civil disobedience today than there has ever been in the history of our planet. What if that which is needed is thinking outside of the box?

The box that has failed throughout history is called politics. Most solutions have been sought through the ballot box with little success. In fact, perhaps it’s the ballot box that is responsible for the class warfare that is rampant throughout, not only our country, but throughout the world. A new thinking outside of the box may be the answer, just as it was when the great minds of the past innovated their various solutions.

I submit that by continuing to think within the present box of politics and ballots, in the long run, mankind will cease to exist on this planet. We are ballot-boxing ourselves into oblivion.

I believe that the ideology of Voluntaryism is that very “outside of the box thinking” that must be studied, understood and then implemented by the masses in order to accomplish the goals of peace, freedom, harmony and prosperity that we all desire. I have written many articles on the subject. In addition, there are many internet sites on which one can read about the subject, such as

In addition, google “Voluntaryism” and read the many articles and explanations about the subject. A wealth of education awaits you.

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Norman is a retired podiatrist who loves playing piano, writing music, lawn bowling, bridge, reading, classical music, going to movies, plays, concerts and traveling. He is not a member of any social network, nor does he plan on becoming one. Dr. Imberman has written a fantastic Christmas song which he had professionally recorded as a demonstration record. He is looking for a publisher, or A & R man, or record producer to listen to his song. It deserves to be a permanent member of the portfolio of familiar and favorite Christmas songs.