
The paradigm has to be changed.  But we must avoid the old siren song of central planning.  We have had enough of trying to control from where maturity and brightness come.  We only know that it doesn’t automatically come from old white guys with too much schooling and/or too much money.

Assumption of Risk, Where Art Thou?

One of the major lessons we learn growing up is understanding the concept of risk, that is, the possibility of getting hurt. Different activities have more or less risk as it concerns our physical safety. When we join a gym, our assumption of risk is explicit in the form of a written and signed waiver. This protects the gym from being sued when we injure ourselves. Does this concept have any place in the current discussion on sexual harassment and sexual assault?

Having a Certain Type of Indifference Toward People

One thing I dislike about identity is that everyone wants to take up the reigns of identifying it. Being raised by me, my son would feel no hesitation or shame in being gay or liking traditional feminine things … however, one of the issues I am incredibly irritated by in our society is the increasing trend to shit on preferences that do fit within traditionally considered gender roles.