The Road

It’s difficult to decide what single action would make gender inequality go away. If getting rid of POTUS would do the trick, I say “off with his head!” But neither the direction nor the facts are crystal clear. Look at the history already exposed. It’s not linear. The future is as unpredictable as the weather. Turbulence may pop up anywhere. Where shall we hold the March? Which road shall we take?

The Value Someone Else Sees in You

I think it is a horrible idea for anyone to maintain a relationship that they aren’t extracting extra value for. If a friend takes more work than he offers value, drop him. If you have romantic interest in a girl, but she doesn’t share it … don’t be her friend. If parents are a pain in the ass and don’t bring anything of value to the table, stop associating with them. If you don’t do this, you end up attracting people who desire to extract resources from people without offering value.