Learn How to Shoot Back

Many of the same people who have spent the last year accusing Trump and his supporters of being fascists, staging protests and rallies, shining a spotlight on the problem of sexual assault, and donning headgear resembling genitalia are now calling on that same government to forcibly disarm the population. Think about that for a moment…

Self Regulation Should be a Higher Value

Another topic I have been thinking about recently however is, protesters are demanding the likes of Apple and Facebook make their products and services less enjoyable/provide less value.  These protesters claim that Apple holds them captive or Facebook is too addictive and hurting social cohesion.  I don’t disagree with this view but I don’t see this as a reason we need to protest.

Why I’m Bullish on the Future of Capitalism

People love to create, exchange, produce, consume, innovate, improve, and seek material and spiritual progress, happiness, and comfort. The remotest place on earth, if humans live there, will have shops and markets and trading of some kind. Everywhere capitalism has an ounce of oxygen or an inch of space it explodes with a force untouchable by any do-gooder scheme of violence and control.

“Stupid” Christian Vulgarity

I was taught that “bad words” (fuck, ass, shit, etc) were sins, while everyone ignored the accepted words used to shame, manipulate, and otherwise harm people. I’ve lost any regard for this shitty view of vulgarity. It merely saves the sensibilities of busybodies, while ignoring true harm done with language.