Is Honesty a Virtue?

Everyone desires human connection, and we are able to get a higher quality connection the more honest we are. So, it seems insane that people would desire to lie to anyone they would have a relationship with. Sure, people who want to use people to get something in the short run would be incentivized to lie, but why would someone lie to someone they desire to have a long term relationship with?

The Economics of Law, Order, and Action

My book The Economics of Law, Order, and Action: The Logic of Public Goods is now available for purchase. Its primary purpose is to provide a comprehensive challenge to the standard position of the economic and political mainstream, according to which efficient production of so-called public goods, including law and defense, requires the use of territorial monopolies of coercive force.

Slow to Speak Up

A lot of times, in discussions with statists, they refuse to make a case for their position. They’ll just make an assertion and refuse to explain their reasoning when asked. I suspect they can’t explain, because they haven’t thought it through, but are simply parroting something that sounded “right” to them. It feels right. That’s not going to impress me and it’s certainly not going to convince me of anything.

Problematic Inarticulation

Human language, as well as symbolic rationality, leaves much to be desired in terms of communication.  If it is trial and error, then it is 100% trial and 99.999 … % error.  Because we humans are stuck with language, we are effectively walled off from fact, we are effectively walled in by perception.