Another Ticket Dismissed on Appeal

A listener got a traffic ticket kicked out on appeal in Delaware.  Yes, it was a parking ticket, but we’re making the same challenges we do in more serious charges, such as personal jurisdiction. Everything was just ignored at the trial, this is typical with parking tickets.  So an appeal was done and the motion to dismiss was again filed.  As you can see above, the ticket was voided.

The Essence of the Ruling Class

If you have government, you have a ruling class, by definition. No, I’m not talking about governance, the sort we see in managing property, a business, a charity, or any other private organization. A ruling class are those who calls themselves “government” or “the state”, or in some times and places “the church”, the organization(s) in society whose sole purpose of existing is to make and enforce rules, the first of which involve the generation of “revenue”. While that’s what the ruling class does, that’s not what the ruling class is. Here is the essence of what the ruling class is.

System-Bound III

I was thinking, a few weeks ago, as I was approaching Chicago from Northern Indiana, a jumble of converging and diverging routes, that the last thing I needed was some electronic message carrying ironic propaganda — it was all I could do to keep from making the wrong turn.  I needed focus, not entertainment.

Government Involvement Not Helping

It’s a wonderful thing when someone decides to help the community. I might even join them if their efforts align with my values. I’m somewhat less thrilled when someone mistakes running for office, getting a government job, or passing a law for helping. A government position or job is nothing to be proud of. It’s not honorable or praiseworthy. Everything is better without the threat of law or punishment, and when funded voluntarily. Worthwhile ideas don’t require arm twisting.

Forty-Five Horror Stories

This morning, an online friend responded to my latest rant about the current edition of POTUS, by questioning how many years — or decades — it would take to recover from the current administration.  I hold no such optimistic view.  I generally consider the office of POTUS to be a carbuncle on the derriere of human achievement.  No such source of grief ever goes away, it merely subsides among many sources.