Why the Schism?

The debates and arguments continue. Both sides can’t understand why their opponents can’t see their own point of view. The battles between Progressives/Liberals and Libertarian/Conservatives are the most vociferous. Why does such contentiousness exist? Here is my analysis. It boils down to some specific realizations.

Jail is no Substitute for Evidence

Evidence is “the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.” Putting someone in jail does not prove magical rules called “laws” apply to us. I can forcibly apply my rules to you, that doesn’t mean they are applicable to you and create obligations on you. It’s irrational to hold otherwise.


I have come upon a new usage for the term POTUS. Actually, it is an old usage. It refers to the position but not directly to the incumbent. This works in the same way as does the juxtaposing of tyrant and tyranny. Is there a difference between the Emperor of Rome, Caesar, Nero, or Caligula?