Marine Le Pen and the Growing Scourge of Nationalism

While I certainly do not expect to see Marine Le Pen secure a victory in the upcoming French Presidential runoff election, even her ascendency to such a race represents yet another (once) surprising victory for the strain of nationalistic populism which has been sweeping the globe in recent years. From the Philippines to Great Britain to the United States to Turkey to France (and many other similar examples as well), we are witnessing the reversal of a trend at least 70 years in the making.

Prejudice and Privilege

Very few aspects of our lives are determined by the initial benchmarks people create in their mind on first view. The human brain makes new judgments with new information. It sets new benchmarks and new conceptual understandings. The aspects of our person that gets represented in people’s minds is not a pigeonhole and it isn’t a curse. 98% of the time you will get a new opportunity to represent yourself in a way that is unique to you.

Have the Balls to Admit Your Bigotry

There are a number of people who are xenophobic, nationalist, racist dumbasses, who want the violence of “government” used to keep everyone away who isn’t quite like them. However, in that category are two types: 1) those who openly admit what they think and what they condone, and; 2) those who use “code” rhetoric, intentionally speak in vague euphemisms, and pretend to not be what they are. I can’t decide which I like less.

Freedom of Movement is a Libertarian Virtue

“Freedom of movement” is a libertarian virtue in any location which is not privately owned or where the owner does not opt to restrict movement. Moreover, just because libertarians advocate a fully privatized society, it does not necessarily follow that every square inch of ground will be privately owned nor that every property owner will choose to deny access to visitors and travelers.

Be More Antifragile

One of the major points of the book is that by designing all the danger out of things, trying to make the randomness and volatility go away and keep things smooth and “safe”, you make the danger worse. It’s inevitable and natural. Completely unavoidable. Just like how anti-gun “laws” actually increase the risks they claim to want to solve. The people who embrace these ideas may have good intentions, but they are idiots.