Written by Bruce Koerber.
Human rights are part of natural law, which includes the recognition that humans make decisions subjectively. The structure of human logic is unique to Homo sapiens and it is universal for all human beings. Yet each individual has unique experiences and abilities which make each person’s perspective unique also. This uniqueness functions within this universal structure of human logic that all humans have in common.
Natural rights are part of the order that comes from the choice of humans to socially cooperate. Physically, intellectually, and spiritually humans have discovered in infinitely repeatable ways over the history of the evolution of human civilization that social cooperation is beneficial. The association of humans with their subjective choices is only natural, and identifying how these choices fit in as a part of social cooperation leads to reciprocity and a mutual recognition of property rights and human rights. Both human rights and property rights are understood in that context of reciprocity.
In other words, from the beginning of human history property rights have prevented conflict. What belongs to someone is theirs and what belongs to me is mine. The signs of ownership are often clear and when they are not clear it is by refining the definition so that the property rights are made clear and evident that conflicts are resolved.
Since the State confiscates property, and since it is the monopolist judge deciding what definition of property rights it wants to abide by, there is little conflict resolution potential in societies now-a-days. Resolution amounts to submission to the arbitrary edicts of the State. Combine this with the State’s grabbing more and more monopolist power by using ‘democracy’ to exaggerate and exasperate envy and, you see, conflict resolution seems almost impossible.
Obviously the necessary conditions for peace include getting rid of the monopolist judge (the State – intent on coercive violation of property rights) in favor of consultative bodies that desire to refine property rights, moderated by reciprocity considerations.