On Silk Road III

It’s back! The New Silk Road launched yesterday. Though other online black market services saw their usage increase during the shutdown, this shows exactly why the War on Drugs is failed policy, online or offline. Though I don’t consume recreational drugs, I am an advocate for the principle that everyone owns their body and has…

On the Hunger Games V

(Spoiler Alert!) In the end, the toppling of one tyrant meant the the rise of others. Though Katniss killed President Coin, the heretofore leader of District 13 and the rebellion, and aspiring dictator, “representative” rule will govern what’s left of Panem (North America) going forward. Suzanne Collins story seems to reveal her as a student…

On Government Projects

The Obamacare website debacle is a perfect example of the sorts of inefficiencies, disasters, and boondoggles that plagues government projects again and again. Irrelevant is the good or service being produced. Government lacks the necessary incentives, knowledge, and calculation to do anything as efficiently, successfully, and worthwhile as private organizations in society. That so many…