On GMO Labeling

No, the government should not require that Monsanto or anybody else label for genetically-modified ingredients. But more, they also should not protect corporate decision-makers from civil suits for mislabeling their products. A genetically-modified carrot is no longer a carrot. When a company that uses modified ingredients calls them their unmodified versions, they are committing fraud.…

On Compassion

What is compassion? I say it’s looking toward someone less fortunate than yourself and feeling desirous to help them in whatever way they need most. Compassion, then, must first be intrinsically motivated, from one’s heart, and second be voluntarily displayed, as a freely chosen course of action. When the action is preceded by a threat…

On Government Bankruptcy

Government is bankrupt in two senses: 1) The individuals calling themselves “government” can’t pay back their debts (wages, entitlements, and bonds) without stealing from other individuals, proving that they are financially bankrupt, and 2) The individuals calling themselves “government” will lie, steal, and murder to maintain their illegitimate authority, proving that they are morally bankrupt.…

On Bullycide

Children bullies and children victims of bullies are symptoms. Parents who either neglect or bully their children are symptoms. Teachers who bully children are symptoms. Bureaucrats who bully taxvictims are symptoms. And the problem? The willingness and acceptability of using force against those unwilling to do what they’re told to do by others. It’s unfortunate…

On Silk Road II

Though I don’t use recreational drugs, not even alcohol, the shutting down of Silk Road is lamentable. Think about it. What was Silk Road doing alongside facilitating narcotics trade? It was taking drugs off the street. And more, it was reducing drug-war-induced violence. Buyers and sellers were engaging in peaceful trade. There was no violence…